Business Office Services
in Guernsey
The finance industry, including banking, fiduciary, captive insurance and fund management, is very important to Guernsey's economy. The island strives to be progressive and innovative in new products, whilst providing a high quality of service.
If you would like receive a detailed brochure outlining our complete suite of services, please contact us.

Business Office Services
First Floor, Albert House, South Esplanade
St. Peter Port - Guernsey - Channel Islands - GY1 1AJ
+ 44 14 81 74 22 50
+ 44 14 81 74 22 59
About the building
Business office services with offices in various sizes and meeting rooms accessible 24/7.
General information
Office sizes
- Dimensions - From 10 to 25 sqft
Meeting Rooms
- 1 meeting room
- Audio/Video conference facilities
- Capacity of 8-15 people
Meeting Facilities
- From 8-15 people
- Audio/Video conference
- Videoprojector
- Paper-board
- Internet connection
- Drinks
- Yes
Discover our Building in Guernsey